A Low-Tech solution delivers Life-Changing results
In 2017 Compassion Way funded multiple well projects for villages affected by severe drought, but one inaccessible mountain village without water proved especially challenging: it was beyond the reach of drilling equipment. The villages had resorted to walking more than a third of a mile to the nearest mountain spring to get water. It took three years for our partner churches in India to plan the project, purchase the materials, get permission from state & local officials to begin the project, and carry materials to the 'top of the mountain' by hand, but work finally began in early February in the midst of the pandemic. The project was completed in late February and there is now a hydrant in the village.
The system design includes a cement catch basin at the spring that is connected to the hydrant in the village via a buried plastic water line that carries the water over 1/3 mile. The spring is on the side of a hill, which allows the use of gravity to get the water to the village. All work, including digging a very long trench, was done by hand. Please view the short video segments at left.
Two other nearby villages are awaiting similar systems. You can be a part of bringing water to a thirsty village by clicking the link below: |